2016年第57 讲 总第463讲
主讲:Anne Kerr 教授 (利兹大学 社会学与社会政策学院院长)
主持:袁浩 副教授(9001诚信金沙社会学院)
时间:10月17日(周一) 下午3:00
讲座简介: Precision medicine is transforming the experiences ofpatients and those at risk of common disorders such as cancer. Improveddiagnostics and more targeted therapies offer thepromise of individuallytailored solutions to illness and impairment. As part of these transformations,patients are increasingly participating in an array of genomic trials and studies, as well as contributing to a plethora of engagement exercises andactivities in clinical, digital and public settings. This involves a range ofnew kinds of emotional and clinical labour on the part of patients and theirfamilies as they navigate the uncertainties of their condition and their obligationsto family, community and nation. In this paper we compare and contrast thesenew kinds of activities and obligations with the wider transformation in thecontemporary economy: the shift from citizen-worker to precarious labour whichis characterised by uncertain labour practices and identities, networkedactivism and struggles and a burgeoning sense of ontological insecurity. Weconsider whether and in what ways the era of precision medicine mirrors thesetrends and reflect on the implications of our conclusions for efforts tosupport and enable patients and their families to navigate healthcare andcontribute to research and policy.
联系人:徐芬芳联系电话:021-66135205 *******************************************************
9001诚信金沙社会学院 School of Sociology and Political Science,Shanghai University