2016年第54 讲 总第460讲
主讲:Maurie Cohen 教授(新泽西理工学院)
主持:张敦福 教授(9001诚信金沙社会学院)
主讲人简介:Dr. Maurie J. Cohen is Professor and Director of the Program in Science, Technology, and Society at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Associate Faculty Member with the Division of Global Affairs at Rutgers University, and Associate Fellow at the Tellus Institute. He is Editor of Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy (SSPP), an academic journal founded in 2004 by the United States Geological Survey, Conservation International, and ProQuest LLC, and co-founder and Executive Board Member of the Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative (SCORAI). 讲座简介: In a number of western countries, long-standing structural factors that have long supported and facilitated development of consumerism as a system of social organization—favorable demographics, supportive macroeconomic policies, ample natural resources—are beginning to erode. In the face of rising income inequality, declining size of the middle class, and increasingly precarious lifestyles it is no longer so easy to presume the reproduction and perpetuation of consumer society. Coupled with the problems of structural joblessness, the declining prominence of wage labor, and the prospect of technological unemployment resulting from commercial deployment of a new wave of digital automation technologies it is not immediately obvious how households will be able to meet their consumption needs. It has long been acknowledged that cooperatives can buffer economic insecurity, offset some of the vagaries of market capitalism, and enhance social solidarity.An interesting—and in many respects peculiar—facet of the history of cooperativismin western countries is how worker (or producer) cooperatives and consumer cooperatives have evolved along completely separate trajectories.Yet production and consumption are inextricably bound up in tight configurations. Moreover, no one is exclusively a producer or consumer and producer-consumers repeatedly and iteratively change roles, often numerous times during the course of a single day.We seem, though, to be at an auspicious moment to rectify this anomalous situation. This presentation outlines the notion of multi-stakeholder cooperativism and highlights how worker-consumer cooperatives can bridge this enduring divide. These organizations can also contribute to the cultivation ofsolidaristic social relations that will be essential for easing the process of innovating a new system of social organization over the next few decades.
联系人:徐芬芳联系电话:021-66135205 *******************************************************
School of Sociology and Political Science,Shanghai University