2017年第44讲 总第 514讲
题目:Dualization of labour markets in the Western Countries
主持人:袁浩 社会学院副院长、副教授
讲座时间: 2017年11月 6 日星期一 14:00
研究方向:主要围绕在找工作与社会学研究方法。在找工作方面,他的研究重点是:a)培训,就业和技能之间的关系,b)就业与社会保护之间的关系,c)组织工作流程; d)不连续和不稳定的工作轨迹,e)社会资本,劳动力市场和劳动力插入之间的关系。在研究方法方面,研究重点主要集中在:a)文本和话语的分析,b)叙事和传记分析,c)社会网络的分析; d)使用应用于定性分析的计算机工具,以及f)人种学方法
Dualization of labour markets in the Western Countries (In this case I would present also some empirical research of our own on the case of Spain)
This study first investigates determinants of job searching strategies and then examines if social networks are connected with better job outcomes. Unlike previous studies that focus solely on income, this paper pays more heed to job satisfaction. Based on data drawn from China General Social Survey, we find that disadvantaged job seekers rely primarily on informal channels; whereas experienced and better-educated job seekers tend to search for jobs through formal channels. However, those reaping the largest benefit from using networks are the job seekers who are able to use formal and informal channels jointly. By disaggregating the whole sample, we further find that the promoting effect of network use is contingent on factors such as gender and types of jobs. Network use brings about larger benefits to female and job seekers target to prestigious occupations. Finally, it appears that whether a job seeker can receive influential help depends primarily on the social status of the contacts rather than their tie strength. The results of our paper thus urge us to examine the combination of different searching strategies rather than studying them separately.