2018年第 12讲 总第531讲
简介:In recent years there has been a growing interest in approaching international migration as a process that is increasingly mediated by various actors and material forms. The figure of the broker, who works at the interface between state and market, and technologies such as cell phones and biometrics, have become critical methodological entry-points for describing migration in these terms. This, in turn, allows for a broader reconceptualization of migration as a socio-technical system or infrastructure. In this talk I will illustrate this perspective through ethnographic descriptions from fieldwork conducted mainly in Indonesia during the past decade.
主讲人:Johan Linquist
时间:4月 4日14:00-17:00
Johan Lindquist is Professor of Social Anthropology and Director of the Forum for Asian Studies at Stockholm University in Sweden. He is the co-editor of Figures of Southeast Asian Modernity (University of Hawai’i Press, 2013), the author of The Anxieties of Mobility: Development and Migration in the Indonesian Borderlands, and the director of B.A.T.A.M.?
Johan Linquist,瑞典斯德哥爾摩大學社會人類學教授,暨亞洲研究論壇主任;合編Figures of Southeast Asian Modernity (夏威夷大學出版社 2013);著有The Anxieties of Mobility: Development and Migration in the Indonesian Borderlands (夏威夷大學出版社2009)。並執導紀錄片B.A.T.A.M. (DER 2005)。