主讲人: Harri Melin
芬兰坦佩雷大学 教授
时间:2015年10月19日(周一) 14:00-16:00
HarriMelin CV
Vice Rector
Professor of Sociology
University of TampereFinland
HarriMelin is Professor of Sociology, University of Tampere (since 2008). After completing his M.A. in Sociology University of Tampere, he remained at the institute to become Docent of Sociology in 1997 and from 1998 he has held the position of Professor of Sociology. He was a Senior research fellow at the Academy of Finland from 2002 – 2003. He held a chair of professor of sociology at the University of Turku (2003-2008)
He has been a project director and national contractor of many national and international research projects. His research interests are inequality, social classes, work. He served as the Secretary of Finnish sociological association in 1978, 1990-1991 and President from 2001-2003. Between 1985-1987 he was editor of ActaSociologica and is currently referee for International Sociology, ActaSociologica and Sociology of Education. He is Vice rector of university of Tampere 2009-.
Articles in edited books
HarriMelin (1988): Class and Trade Union Organization. In Ahrne et al (eds.) Class and Social organization in Finland, Sweden and Norway, pp.111-127.
HarriMelin (1991): Managers and Social Classes, In Stewart R. Clegg (ed): Organization Theory and Class Analysis. deGruyter, Berlin.
RaimoBlom, HarriMelin, JoukoNikula (1996): The Green Banana of the Baltic States. TeoksessaBlom, Melin, Nikula (eds.): Between Plans and Markets. deGruyterBerlin.
HarriMelin (1998): Managerial Change in Estonia. TeoksessaMarkkuKivinen (ed.): The Kalamari Union: Middle Class in East and West. Ashgate, Aldershot.
RaimoBlom and HarriMelin (2000): Class theories and the Baltic and Nordic Societies in the 90s. In Jurisprudencija 2000.LietuvosteisesAkademija, Vilnius. pp. 99-116.
HarriMelin (2002): Towards working Class Society: the Russian Class Structure in the 1990s. Teoksessa J. Nikula (ed.): The Restoration of Class Society in Russia. Avebury Aldershot, pp. 1-18.
HarriMelin (2007): The Welfare State and Inequalities. In H. Genov (ed.): Comparative Research in the Social Sciences. ISSC.Paris.
HarriMelin (2009) Civic Mind and the Legitimacy of Finnish Democracy. In AnnamariKonttinen (ed) Civic Mind and Good Citizenship: Comparative Perspectives. TampereUniversity Press.
HarriMelin and RaimoBlom (2011) Managerial Change in Russian Firms. In Maria Nawojczyk (ed) Economy in Changing Society : Consumptions, Markets, Organizations and Social Policies. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Cambridge
Harri Melin and Suvi Salmenniemi (2012) Class Analysis in the USSR and Contemporary Russia. In Suvi Salmenniemi (ed) Rethinking Class in Russia. Ashgate. Franham.
Melin Harri. (2013). The Nordic Model and Social Inequalities. In Eissel Dieter, Rokicka Ewa, Leaman Jeremy (ed.) Welfare State at Risk: Springer, 105-119.
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