2016年第9讲 总第415讲
Korean wave in the context of East Asian culture
主讲人:金益基(Ik Ki Kim)
东国大学(Dongguk University)社会学教授
社会学院 教授
时间:2016年3月31日 14:30
This research explores the concept of Korean wave(Hallyu) in terms of cultural flow in a larger sense by understanding that Hallyu is an expression of a hybrid pop culture appeal in Asia based on the long tradition of cultural interactions with Asian and Western countries. In order to understand Hallyu in East Asia, this study conducted Focus Group Discussions (FGD) in four cities: Beijing, Hong Kong, Taipei, and Tokyo. Most of the FGD participants agreed that Hallyu was a trend in their society, and some of them appreciate Hallyu as a hybridization of Western and Asian pop culture. Korean cultural products provided cultural similarities and differences to local people. However, the FGD participants also pointed out the problems for Hallyu, such as lack of variety and the one-way promotion of Korean culture without understanding local cultures. This research contends that Hallyu must become hybridized by incorporating local cultures.
金益基,Department of Sociology, Dongguk University.Population aging in the East Asian countriesUrban SociologyKorean wave.
Ph.D. Sociology, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, U.S.A. (1984)
M.A. Sociology, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, U.S.A. (1980)
B.A. Sociology, Seoul National University, Korea (1976)
Professor, Dongguk University (1994 -2015)
Visiting Research Scientist, University of Michigan, Institute of Gerontology, U.S.A. (1993-94)
Visiting Research Scientist, Sophia University (Japan). (1999-2000).
Visiting professor, Renmin University of China (2005-2007)
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School of Sociology and Political Science,Shanghai University