时间:2016年6月22日 10:00-11:30
主讲人:Susan Dewey
Dominant U.S. cultural beliefs about risk dramatically inform interactions between criminalized women involved in prostitution and the criminal justice and social services professionals they regularly encounter. These encounters often occur in the context of the criminal justice-social services alliance, best described as a punitive-therapeutic partnership that aims to provide support to street-involved women within the criminal justice system. This paper argues that the criminal justice-social services alliance pathologizes women’s street-based sex trading and illicit drug use as individual responses to traumatic events that result in flawed thought processes that encourage what alliance professionals often characterize as "high-risk behaviors." The criminal justice system’s ideological and financial predominance within the alliance necessitates a focus on women’s individual decision-making as the product of their trauma-related impediments to full social functioning, and actively excludes consideration of the gendered neighborhood socioeconomic relations that inform these decisions. The risk discourse that accompanies prevailing alliance understandings of women’s street involvement has serious implications for alliance encounters with the women as well as for alliance professionals’ own work and personal lives.
Susan Dewey, Ph.D., is an applied feminist anthropologist with over a decade of research and consulting experience on sex work, violence against women, and feminized labor. Since receiving her Ph.D. in 2004, she has published widely in these areas, including nine books, several dozen articles and book chapters, as well substantial technical reports for UN Women, the US Census Bureau, and the Wyoming Department of Corrections. Her work has featured in national media outlets such as The Chronicle of Higher Education, PBS, The Huffington Post, The Washington Post, and The Nation. Since 2010 she has conducted research in Denver, Colorado with street-involved women and the social services and criminal justice professionals with whom they regularly interact; this work is the basis for her forthcoming book, with legal scholar Tonia St. Germain, Women of the Street: How the Criminal Justice-Social Services Alliance Fails Women in Prostitution (New York University Press, 2016).
作为一位女性主义人类学家,Susan Dewey教授在过去的十多年中一直从事关于性工作、针对女性的暴力、女性化劳动等方面的研究和咨询工作。2004年获得博士学位以来,Dewey教授在这些领域的研究成果已广泛出版和发表,包括九本专著和数十篇论文,并为联合国妇女署、美国人口普查局、怀俄明惩教局等机构提供大量技术支持。其研究成果也常见于美国的一些全国性媒体,如The Chronicle of Higher Education, PBS, The Huffington Post, The Washington Post, 和The Nation。自2010年起,Dewey博士开始在科罗拉多丹佛市从事关于女性性工作者及其与司法-社会服务从业人员接触的研究,相关研究成果将于今年出版——"Women of the Street: How the Criminal Justice-Social Services Alliance Fails Women in Prostitution "(纽约大学出版社,2016)。
School of Sociology and Political Science,Shanghai University