2017年第11讲 总第481讲
题目:Communicating, retaining, & memorializing interpersonal relatioinships: The Interface Between Relationships and Digital Technologies
主讲人: Dr. Leah LeFebvre
主持人: 袁浩
时间:2017年4月21日( 周五 ) 09:30
地点: 校本部B417
Dr. Leah LeFebvre毕业于德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,现为怀俄明大学传播与新闻系Assistant Professor,教授人际关系沟通、传播技术、传播理论等课程。其研究专长包括亲密关系与新兴技术的关系和传播、技术与健康行为的互动。Dr. LeFebvre的研究兴趣在于考察可记录的在线人际关系沟通技术(如Facebook, Tinder, voicemail等)如何影响过去、当下、和未来的亲密关系和沟通过程。她的研究成果发表于Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Communication Monographs, Social Media+Society, Journal of Applied Communication Research, Health Communication, Communication Education, Journal of Language and Social Psychology, and Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking等期刊。
Dr. Leah LeFebvre (PhD, University of Texas at Austin) examines the intersection of romantic relationships and emerging technologies. She investigates online, recordable relational communication technologies (e.g., Facebook, Tinder, voicemails, etc.) that influence past, current, and future relationship and communicative processes. Her research examines how the technology is altering our previous conceptualizations and theorized processes, as well as explores storytelling processes that inform, reinforce, and reshape our understanding of relationships. In her upcoming research presentation, she sequentially explores previous exploratory and predictive research, which lead to current and ongoing research projects that explore the delicate balance between forgetting and remembering throughout digital and online technologies. Specifically, she will explore relationship dissolution phenomena, Facebook dissolution behavior and practices, and archival processes in digital contexts.