2021级人类学硕士研究生胡煌参加由荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学和北京大学联合举办的SOCIAL AND CULTURAL IMAGINATIONS OF RURAL MODERNIZATION(乡村现代化的社会与文化想象)学术工作坊

创建时间:  2024-05-20  李奕澜   浏览次数:   返回

2024年5月15日,2021级硕士研究生胡煌参加SOCIAL AND CULTURAL IMAGINATIONS OF RURAL MODERNIZATION学术工作坊,作了题为“From Pioneers to Laggards: An Analysis of the Social Meaning Transformation of ‘Party Leadership Take the Lead’ in Rural China”的论文报告。

HU Huang's fieldwork in a village in China northern Hunan province revealed that the social significance of the ideological discourse "Party members take the lead," was reversed in the eyes of the local people. During the collectivist period, party leadership meant that party members played a leading role in fighting a flood and organizing agricultural production; however, after the family planning policy, party members' families took the lead to take sterilisation measures, and party members' families took the lead to unify the demolition and relocation of their clans in the process of land acquisition by the Government. This contrast has led to the deterioration of the Party membership as a community honor(Pioneers) into convicted person(Laggards) in the clan. The change in identity connotations over a short period of time reflects the protracted tug-of-war between the state and localities over the "middle elite" in China's top-down campaign-style governance.

胡煌同学基于在中国湖南的一个乡村社区的田野调查发现,“社区关键群体带头 ”这一意识形态话语的社会意义在当地人眼中发生了逆转。在集体主义时期,“社区关键群体带头 ”意味着成员在抗洪抢险和组织农业生产中发挥带头作用;但在计划生育政策出台后,社区关键成员家庭带头采取绝育等措施,党员家庭带头在政府征地过程中统一拆迁。这种社会迅速变迁转型的反差导致社区关键群体这一群体荣誉(先锋)变质。变为宗族中饱受谴责的“拖后腿的人”。短时间内同一群体身份内涵的变化,反映了在中国自上而下的运动式治理中,国家与地方在 “中间代理人”问题上的长期角力。


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2021级人类学硕士研究生胡煌参加由荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学和北京大学联合举办的SOCIAL AND CULTURAL IMAGINATIONS OF RURAL MODERNIZATION(乡村现代化的社会与文化想象)学术工作坊

创建时间:  2024-05-20  李奕澜   浏览次数:   返回

2024年5月15日,2021级硕士研究生胡煌参加SOCIAL AND CULTURAL IMAGINATIONS OF RURAL MODERNIZATION学术工作坊,作了题为“From Pioneers to Laggards: An Analysis of the Social Meaning Transformation of ‘Party Leadership Take the Lead’ in Rural China”的论文报告。

HU Huang's fieldwork in a village in China northern Hunan province revealed that the social significance of the ideological discourse "Party members take the lead," was reversed in the eyes of the local people. During the collectivist period, party leadership meant that party members played a leading role in fighting a flood and organizing agricultural production; however, after the family planning policy, party members' families took the lead to take sterilisation measures, and party members' families took the lead to unify the demolition and relocation of their clans in the process of land acquisition by the Government. This contrast has led to the deterioration of the Party membership as a community honor(Pioneers) into convicted person(Laggards) in the clan. The change in identity connotations over a short period of time reflects the protracted tug-of-war between the state and localities over the "middle elite" in China's top-down campaign-style governance.

胡煌同学基于在中国湖南的一个乡村社区的田野调查发现,“社区关键群体带头 ”这一意识形态话语的社会意义在当地人眼中发生了逆转。在集体主义时期,“社区关键群体带头 ”意味着成员在抗洪抢险和组织农业生产中发挥带头作用;但在计划生育政策出台后,社区关键成员家庭带头采取绝育等措施,党员家庭带头在政府征地过程中统一拆迁。这种社会迅速变迁转型的反差导致社区关键群体这一群体荣誉(先锋)变质。变为宗族中饱受谴责的“拖后腿的人”。短时间内同一群体身份内涵的变化,反映了在中国自上而下的运动式治理中,国家与地方在 “中间代理人”问题上的长期角力。


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